Über uns > Organigramm
Young-Jin Kim
Chairman & CEO, HANDOK Inc.
Georg Schmidt
Botschafter der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Korea
Sungnack Lee
Honorary President of Gacheon University
Director of Kansong Art and Culture Foundation,
Former President, Membership Society of The National Museum of Contemporary Art. Korea
Hyo-Joon Kim
Vice Chairman, Daechang Group,
Chairman, ADeKo,
Honorary Distinguished Professor, Yonsei University, Honorary Chairman,
Perpetual Honorary Chairman, KGCCI,
Former Chairman & Representative Director, BMW Group Korea
Moritz Winkler
Yulchon, Attorneys at Law (Seoul), Senior Foreign Attorney
Martin Henkelmann
President & CEO, KGCCI
Yniong Lee
Vice President, Woojin Plaimm Co., Ltd.
Hyun-Jeong Kim
Representative of Board of Directors, Deutsche Schule Seoul International
Kyung-Ah Park
Emeritus Professor, College of Medicine, Yonsei University
U-Seok Seo
Professor, Dept. of Urban Sociology, University of Seoul
Kark-Bum Lee
President of Future THINKNET,
Professor Emeritus of KAIST
Clemens Treter
Regional Director of Goethe-Institut East Asia
Robert Lengler
Principal, Deutsche Schule Seoul International
Martin Kasperek
First Secretary / Cultural, Legal & Consular Affairs, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
In-Ho Cha
Former Professor for Radiology of Korea University Hospital
Heidrun Kang
Prof. em. Emeritus, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Koreanisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft e.V.
Teheran-ro 132, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 06235, Korea | secretary@handok.com | 82-2-527-5197