
Aktuelles[Small Group Activity] stammtisch_2022 07 07

29 Jun 2022
Views 226
Stammtisch on July 7, 2022


Stammtisch is a casual networking gathering jointly hosted by KDG and DKS (Deutsch-Koreanischer Stammtisch). It is open to everyone with an interest in Korea, Germany and beyond!


WHEN       2022. 7. 7 목요일 오후 6:30 

                Thursday, July 7, 2022 at 18:30


WHERE    도이치 하우스 ӏ 서울특별시 용산구 대사관로 46 (한남동, 서울빌딩)

                 Deutsches Haus at 46, Daesagwan-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul  

               (Hannam-dong, Seoul Building)


FEE           Self order & pay   * RSVP not required.

                  Please bring some cash, as there is a major discount for beer

                 on cash payment.




Please feel free to join us in the upcoming event and also bring along like-minded friends!

Koreanisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft e.V.

Teheran-ro 132, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 06235, Korea   |    secretary@handok.com     |    82-2-527-5197